Tuesday, March 22, 2016


We just got a letter, we just got a letter,
We just got a letter, because we're really smart.
Cause we sit down in our thinking chair and think....think...think....
When we use our mind, to do a step at a time,
We can do anything...

Chapter 10: The Age of Jackson

Overarching GLE Standards Addressed:
  • 7.3.1: Analyze political, social, and economic factors that led to westward expansion from 1800–1850. 
  • 7.3.2: Identify and explain foreign policy developments between the United States and other nations from 1800–1850. 
  • 7.3.4: Compare and contrast the political, social, and economic development of the different regions of the United States
  • 7.7.1: Explain how Americans adapted and transformed various physical environments in the United States to expand its growth and influence. 
  • 7.9.3: Explain how United States foreign policy was developed and carried out from 1781–1877

Chapter 10: The Age of Jackson

Section 1: Jacksonian Democracy
Section 2: Jackson's Administration
Section 3: Indian Removal 

Monday, March 21, 2016